Wildcats Roar!
New Student Enrollment
Enrollment for 2024-2025 is open
Enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year OPENS JANUARY 22, 2025
We are a public school and it is First Come First Serve. Siblings do NOT have priority.
Once the application is submitted, the office will contact you and schedule an appointment to verify all the documents.
2024-2025 Online Registration is up. Please register for the correct year, if not, we will ask you to redo the application.
Please upload as many documents prior to registering. The office will need to see all original documents in order to complete registration. Please do not submit the application in ALL CAPS.
Student's Birth Certificate or Passport
Parent's/Guardian's Drivers License or Passport
Mortgage Statement/Tax Assessment/Property Tax or Rental Agreement
Utility Bill (Gas, Electricity, Water, Sanitation), Must be within the last 2 months
IF you live with the owner of the house, we will need their Proof of Residency and ID, plus 2 additional documents connecting you to the house.
Up to Date Immunizations
TB Risk Assessment Form, has to be taken within the year
Dental Form (TK and Kinder only), turn in before May 31st
Trans 02 - Residency Form -- All incoming families will need to sign and turn in this form.
Need help? Have questions?
Assistant Principal Gina Sainten gsainten@musd.org
Staff Secretary TBD
Health Clerk Adriana Quinonez aquinonez@musd.org
OR reach out on Parentsquare OR call at 408-635-2674
Please contact the school office if your student is going to be absent. Contacting your students teacher is not enough. Please call the front office 408-635-2674 ext. 1908 or email Ms. Jessica Yung with a detailed reason for the absence.
Remember to “Take 3” actions to fight the flu this season
1. Get your Flu Vaccine.
2. Wash your hands.
3. Take anti-virals if you get the flu, as prescribed by your doctor.
Copyright 2019 @ Milpitas Unified School District