For Parents


  • Drivers be patient

  • DO NOT BLOCK gates or drive through

  • The south side parking lot by the Multi Use Room is STAFF PARKING ONLY.

  • Only let your students out of the car in a safe drop off spot.

  • DO NOT let you students out of the car in the middle of the parking lot or street.


If your student has a medical condition, such as asthma or severe food allergies, and requires medication to be kept at school, an authorization to administer medication form is required. The form is to be filled out by the doctor prior to bringing in your student’s medication.


Field trips can enhance classroom learning through real life contact with the topic of study. Prior approval is required for students to participate in school sponsored trips.

If privately-owned vehicles are to be used for transporting students, parents of the students are to be notified and the owner of the vehicle and the parents must acknowledge in writing that they have received notice that the board’s liability insurance does not cover the use of the private vehicles to transport students for school activities.

Field trip Form Download


Basic info for Parents

Parent Square Portal Aeries Parent Portal